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staff 04-12-2005 09:26 AM

Novitā Cybersky
A quanto si apprende dall'homepage la corte deciderā per le 11:20 ora italiana se dara il consenso alla distribuzione del programma:

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Invogliamo tutti a NON usare questo programma prima delle specifiche e del reale utilizzo in quanto NON sappiamo se in Italia e' legale.

staff 04-12-2005 12:20 PM

dpa KOBLENZ. The enterprise TC entertainment electronics from Koblenz argues again with the paying television. On this Tuesday the regional court Hamburg concerns itself with a technology, with which all television programs should be free of charge available over broadband InterNet.

The Pay TV transmitter premiere had implemented a provisional order, with which the Koblenzer may not spread their Cybersky TV first. A judgement is improbable on Tuesday, said a court speaker on Monday.

The TC entertainment electronics AG had already supplied itself and had in the long run won a long controversy with the private station RTL over TV Werbeblocker ("Fernsehfee"). Now the company is involved in a software, with which programs can be exchanged world-wide after the model of the music and video exchange stock exchanges in the InterNet and regarded without time delay. The computer is closed thereby to the television or serves as television, said member of the board Guido Ciburski, which is legally responsible for the project and it wants to bring until May on the market.

"we still assume", affirmed a premiere speaker is so illegal on Monday in Munich. TCU stressed against it, it never called to use the technology outside of the legal borders or to make premiere free of charge accessible. The operators of the television exchange stock exchange could not hold however users to spread arbitrary TV programs. So far the manufacturer of a file exchange often commodity was not responsible for acting the users. If premiere before court should win, this, said the TCU chairmen of the board Petra Bauersachs can have consequences for all exchange stock exchanges in the InterNet.

In the controversy for many years over the TV Werbeblocker of the Koblenzer of enterprise the Federal High Court had permitted the ***** of the "Fernsehfee" to 2004 in June. The blockers fade out advertising spots or switch automatically to a advertising-free channel. After a judgement of the regional court Cologne RTL compensation is to pay. The sum is determined at present, said Ciburski. A RTL speaker said on Monday in Cologne, the possible compensation refers to the period of March until October 1999. It is to be waited for whether TCU can actually also occupy a developed damage.

TRADE PAPER, Tuesday, 12 April 2005, 10:35 o'clock

sandro_t 04-12-2005 12:37 PM

ciao a tutti, quindi a quanto pare x il momento il tribunale tedesco non decide, comunque il loro sito e' stato da poco aggiornato ed e' apparso un link eDonkey dal quale e' possibile scaricare il software in questione, c'e' pero' un riferimento ad un'altra pagina che avvisa della possibile illegalita' dell'utilizzo del loro software, come x dire, uomo avvisato ... :)

SmAiL 04-12-2005 12:49 PM

Non č il software.. č un simpatico consiglio audio...:D

Il soft ancora č sotto esame della corte tedesca..

Stay tuned!

mrc81 04-12-2005 01:14 PM

ecco lo sapevo!
ieri sera a mezzanotte l'ho scaricato ma era un mp3 con la voce modificata che diceva di aspettare... :(

staff 04-12-2005 02:11 PM

Se ne riparla a fine mese

Luca86 04-12-2005 02:41 PM

Ma ke differenze ha questo programma con coolstreaming??

Grazie... :)

SmAiL 04-12-2005 04:34 PM

Vista la mancata presenza in aula di entrambe le parti interessate nell'udienza di oggi 12/04/2005 il giudice ha stabilito che emetterā un verdetto giorno 26 Aprile 2005.

Speriamo che questa sia la data ultima per sapere se sarā possibile o meno utilizzare cybersky...

Maxx 04-12-2005 08:15 PM

speriamo bene... io incrocio le dita... Murdoch lo voglio vedere a vendere i bruscolini allo Stadio!

nyo190 04-13-2005 03:10 PM

scusate ma non si potrebbe chiedere a qualche utente fastweb che si becca sky in streaming di fare un server con i canali sky? anche con coolstreaming.

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